[Rivet] AGILe 1.3.0 alpha0 for testing, and Genser HERWIG LHEF readingAndy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.ukTue Jun 28 21:26:56 BST 2011
Hi Gensers and Riveteers, I've just uploaded an alpha0 tarball of the next AGILe release, 1.3.0, to the usual place on the HepForge website: http://www.hepforge.org/downloads/agile Can you please test this (with the mcplots dev server if possible?) and let me know of any issues? Thanks :) There are several nice features in this release-to-be, including fixes in the HERWIG+AlpGen interface, making the HERWIG status codes behave like the HepMC standard for better interaction with Rivet studies of unstable hadrons, making it possible to read in POWHEG and other events in LHEF format with PYTHIA and HERWIG, and a built-in way to apply arbitrary parameter transformations. Hence the proper version number change. I have been told by Simone Alioli, who provided the HERWIG LHEF reading code, that the version of HERWIG installed in the Genser repository has had the necessary user functions replaced by do-nothing dummies, so it needs to be hacked to work with this new AGILe functionality. Is there any possibility that the LHEF functions could be added (I have examples) as standard, or another way provided to allow this to work "out of the box"? Daniel W, I hope that we will have the AGILe 1.3.0 release quite soon, and maybe we'll also want to modify the bundled HERWIG for LHEF reading, so best to hold back a *little* on a new release of the VM to avoid duplicating too much work! Thanks again, everyone! Andy -- Dr Andy Buckley SUPA Advanced Research Fellow Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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