[Rivet] Rivet 2.0.0b1 and YODA 1.0.0 (?) releases... any objections?

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Thu Apr 11 15:10:47 BST 2013

Hi all,

I think we now have fairly stable and problem free (ha!) release
candidates for YODA and Rivet2. The last few commits fix the building on
lxplus again, and I think all is well. So are there any objections to
releasing these ~ today?

I think we've established that this will be Rivet 2.0.0b1, since some
AIDA -> YODA conversion TODOs remain, and we want to do the full
regression accuracy check before making the proper 2.0.0 release (and
hence abandoning the 1.x series ~ completely).  But we had decided
whether this should be a beta release or full release of YODA, and what
version number.

I'm in favour of not agonising over this too much: several of us have
been using YODA in the current state for quite a while without problems,
hence I think it should just be a straight 1.0.0: the > 1 major version
and lack of "alpha/beta" status inspire a bit of confidence in its
readiness. The mechanisms for run merging, ROOT format conversion and so
on are all there, it's just a few user-convenience scripts that are
missing... and more fancy-but-not-crucial ideas can just wait for 1.1,
1.2, etc. Like Rivet it may be version 2 before we finally manage to
implement our "vision" of all the stuff that YODA should be able to do :-)

Again, any objection to this?

If I hear no complaints, I'll tag these and send another announcement
out tonight.


Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Edinburgh

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